studentsGraduates (Doctoral program)
Introduction of Graduates (Doctoral program)

Miki Hirata

Country Okinawa Prefecture, Japan

Franklin Covey certified instructor for the “Seven Habits” and other programs, and American Red Cross certified CPR instructor


Tennis and karaoke

Countries visited

Myanmar, Philippines, United States, South Sudan and Spain

Other areas of interest Workplace training, school health, and education for children with disabilities

Personal History

1997: Graduated from Teachers College at Arizona State University
2000-2014: Worked on U.S. military bases in Okinawa
2014: Entered the doctoral program at the University of the Ryukyus


Hello everyone. My background is in education and training. Prior to entering the doctoral program, I was involved in workplace training as a trainer with the Human Resources Office. Although I do not hold any medical certifications, I am studying because I want to take up a new challenge in the healthcare field as I get closer to my forties.