teachersFaculty Staff
Introduction of Faculty Staff
Jun Kobayashi

Degree | Physician, PhD in Medicine |
Global health areas of interest | School healthcare, rural healthcare, malaria control, AIDS control, nursing staff, refugees and migrants, health policy |
Other areas of interest | Environment and healthcare |
Hobbies | Surfing |
Personal History
After graduating from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of the Ryukyus, I served as an instructor at the university until 2001. During that time, after serving as a JICA Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer for two years in Brazil, I worked for three years as a primary health care specialist in Laos and then as a malaria control advisor for three years, successfully leading a tie-up project with JOCV. For my contributions in reducing the number of malaria patients, I received the Third Class Labor Order from the Laos government. Since that time as well, I’ve continued to pursue research projects, which have subsequently been reflected in policies and contribute to training local personnel in Laos.
In 2001, I transferred to the Bureau of International Health Cooperation at the National Center for Global Health and Medicine where I promoted international cooperation and research in Southeast Asian and Western African nations. I participated in the Hashimoto Initiative, contributing to the extension and promotion of school healthcare around the world. In 2010, I assisted in forming the Japan Consortium for Global School Health Research and provided support for formulating, implementing and evaluating school health policies in developing nations as part of a tie-up program with global partners through this Japanese think tank. In 2008, I launched the NGO Japan Association for MaeTao Clinic (JAM), which has provided medical and healthcare assistance for refugees in the Myanmar, and have also been engaged in grassroots international cooperation.
Since 2013, I have served as a professor in the Department of Global Health at the School of Health Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of the Ryukyus. My current research focuses on formulating health development strategies that contribute to global sustainable development. Also, through internal and external partnerships, I have been attempting to strengthen the department’s capacity with the aim of educating young people in the field of global health so that they maintain both practical and research perspectives.
It’s been 20 years since I began my working in the field of global health and I have never regretted it. I look forward to meeting many new people and encounter new cases in a variety of countries.
Daisuke Nonaka

Degree | PhD in Health Science |
Global health areas of interest | Primary healthcare, social determinants of health |
Other areas of interest | well-being, health behavior theory/model |
Hobbies | Home gardening, fishing |
Personal History
March 1994: Graduated from the Department of Agriculture, School of Agriculture, Meiji University
April 2005 ~ March 2006: Researcher, Department of Appropriate Technology Development & Transfer Research (currently: Department of Tropical Medicine and Malaria) at the National Center for Global Health and Medicine
March 2008: Received Master’s Degree in Global Health from the Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
March 2011: Received Doctorate in Global Health from the Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
April 1994 ~ February 2002: Hygiene maintenance consultant for pest testing and research, food and pharmaceutical factories, etc. at Ikari Shodoku Co., Ltd.
April 2003 ~ April 2005: JICA Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer (malaria control in Laos)
April ~ August 2007: JICA Short-Term Expert (field research in Ghana)
January ~ February 2010: JICA Short-Term Expert (epidemiology and statistics in Niger)
December 2008 ~ March 2011: Adjunct Researcher, Department of Global Health and Medical Research (currently: Department of Epidemiology and Prevention) at the National Center for Global Health and Medicine
April 2011 ~ March 2015: Assistant Professor, Parasite & Immunopathogenesis Course, Graduate School of Medicine, University of the Ryukyus
April 2015 ~ Present: Associate Professor, Department of Global Health, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine at the University of the Ryukyus
My intention is to pursue research while always keeping in mind who are the beneficiaries of the research.
Research cannot proceed without the cooperation of many people. I emphasize research design and paper publication so that the results may be available to the world.