achievementsResearch Achievements
Research Achievements
ホーム > Research Achievements > 2022
1 Status of School Health Programs in Asia: National Policy and ImplementationRie Ogasawara,Hiroshi Yamanaka,Jun Kobayashi,Sachi Tomokawa,Elli Sugita,Takanori Hirano,Mika Kigawa,Akihiro Nishio,Takeshi Akiyama,Eun Woo Nam,Ernesto R. Gregorio Jr.,Crystal Amiel M. Estrada,Pimpimon Thongthien,Kethsana Kanyasan,Bhimsen Devkota,Jeudyla Hun,Yinghua Ma,Beverley Anne Yamamoto
Pediatrics International 64, e15146, 2022
2. Lessons learned from online qulitative data collection in an international collaborative study during the COVID-19 pandemic
Teacher's effort to cope with conflict in implementing comprehensive sexuality education at secondary schools in Mataram city, Indonesia
Fumuko Shibuya, Dian Puspita Sari, Cut Warnaini, Arina Widdri Rivarti, Rie Takeuchi, Hamsu Kadriyan, Calvin de los Reyes, Jun Kobayashi
Advances in Health Siences Research, 46, 279-287, 2022
3. Community Resilience in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study on Local Perspectives in the Island of Lombok
Fahrin Ramadan Andiwijaya, Hamsu Kadriyan, Putu Suwita Sari, Jun Kobayashi, Suryaning Rasyidah, Lalu Hamzi Fikri
Advances in Health Siences Research, 46, 380-382, 2022
4. Resilience of community in the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines
Crystal Amiel M Estrada, Ernesto R. Gregorio Jr., Jun Kobayashi
International Journal of Okinawan Studies, 3.2: 133-145, 2022
5.Association Between Socio-Economic Status and the Presence of Soap at Handwashing Facilities in Lao People's Democratic Republic: A Cross-Sectional Study
Yuko Muramatsu-Noguchi, Daisuke Nonaka, Sengchanh Kounnavong, Jun Kobayashi
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 34(4), 423-426, 2022
6. Can Homecare Chronic Respiratory Disease Patients with Home Oxygen Treatment (HOT) in Southern Okinawa, Japan Be Evacuated Ahead of the Next Anticipated Tsunami?
Hiroshi Sekiguchi, Rie Takeuchi, Yoko Sato, Tsuyoshi Matsumoto, Jun Kobayashi, Takehiro Umemura
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Heatlh, 19(9), 2022
7. Detection and persistence of environmental DNA (eDNA) of the different developmental stages of a vector mosquito, Culex pipiens pallens
Masayuki K Sakata, Megumi Sato, Marcello Otake Sato, Tomoe Watanabe, Honami Mitsuishi, Tomoyuki Hikitsuchi, Jun Kobayashi, Toshifumi Minamoto
PLoS One 10;17(8):e0272653, 2022.