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ホーム > Visiting researchers > Hidemi Todoriki

Hidemi Todoriki

Degree Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo, Japan 
Field of study Public Health,  Epidemiology
Academic Appointments 1978-1984
National Institute of Neuroscience National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Tokyo
University of the  Ryukyus School of Medicine, Okinawa
The Open University of Japan (Okinawa Study Center),  Okinawa
Other areas
of interest
Ecological Study of 'Yambaru' Forest in Northern Area, Okinawa

Personal history

My Research
I have been broadly interested in the health of human populations and the effects of diet/nutrition on health since I was a faculty at the University of the Ryukyus School of Medicine. My research focuses on the prevention of obesity and cardiovascular disease (hypertension) by traditional Okinawan diet and lifestyle in epidemiological studies, mainly RCT intervention studies. Over the past 20 years, our research has started with epidemiological studies of longevity and dietary effects on the Okinawan oldest old, followed by comparative studies of hypertension and obesity of traditional Okinawan diet on Japanese and Americans (Chample Study).
In recent years, I have been conducting intervention studies focusing on the relationship between health and "social capital," i.e., the impact of macro level  of social determinants of health(e.g., income/educational inequality, social cohesion) of nutrition education intervention trial in the meso level (i.e, family and school) and the individual level (obesity, nutrition, social psychological risk). 
In addition, as a side work, I am conducting a study on the impact of nutrition and epidemiological transition on health ( ex. obesity) in Post-war Okinawa. As a byproduct of this research, I have constructed a database of GHQ/USCAR documents from the U.S. administration era, and have been able to clarify part of the decision-making process for public health policy under the U.S. occupation.
Most of the above research has been conducted as a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research project by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.

My Graduate and Undergraduate Years
During my undergraduate years, I spent almost a third of the year in the bush mountains, and mountain-skiing in the winter, which may have provided the groundwork for my public health research in the community.
When I was in graduate school, I earned my degree in a completely different field (My doctor thesis was entitled "Molecular spectroscopic studies of hydrogen bonding in nucleic acids").


My laboratory is located on the third floor of the Integrated Research Building ("Sousei-ken") at Semmbaru Campus, so please come and visit my office (
For more information, please visit the following URL.