studentsGraduates (Master program)
Introduction of Graduates (Master program)

Chieko Shirai

Country  Kanagawa, Japan
Qualifications Nurse (Japan, Canada, Bahamas), Crinical Nursing Certificate in Ontario
Hobby Traveling, Watching movies, Singing worship music
Area of reserach interests Nursing, Critical nursing, Occupational nursing, Clinical research cordinator, Foreign residents' health in Japan 

Personal History 

I have worked as a staff nurse in medical wards, ICUs, home visit agency, and the health center of OIST. I entered this master degree program in Apr. 2020.


In the first year of my master's degree, I learned through attending classes and reading various journals that there are talented people working within Japan and abroad. When I work as a nurse, I focus mainly on the patients in front of me, but I have learned that it is also important to consider the regional, ethnic, and social background to which the patients belong. There are various health disparities not only in the world but also in Japan. I would like to improve my skills so that I can deliver useful information and help individuals to choose the option that they think is best for them. In order to do so, I need to study more. I welcome you to join our Global Health Department!